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Lawn Maintenance in Rutledge, TN

Some lawns are difficult to maintain. Often, it’s easier to grow weeds than grass. The best solution usually depends on the soil, type of grass, amount of sun, and many other factors. Morgan's Property Maintenance offers lawn maintenance in Rutledge, Tennessee, that will make your lawn greener than a golf course. We offer a lot more than just lawn mowing. We perform every service necessary to promote the optimal health of your yard. Schedule your free consultation today!


Our Lawn Maintenance Services

Lawn Mowing

Our lawn mowing team performs routinely scheduled lawn clipping services. We cut your grass to a precisely determined length. We recommend weekly mowing service, but some properties can make do with bi-weekly service. Our mowing team will give you a lawn with straight edges and pleasing lawn striping.

Lawn Aeration

Aerating your lawn can increase the flow of water, air, and nutrients through the soil. This process is performed by creating a series of holes across the yard. It is an incredibly effective treatment for compacted or clay-heavy soil. Most professionals suggest aeration before overseeding or when installing a new lawn.

Overseeding Your Lawn

Overseeding is the process of making your lawn lusher while filling in bare spots. In overseeding, we lay grass seed over your existing lawn. This avoids the need to tear up your current yard but also works as an effective method to improve the overall health of your grass.

Removing & Preventing Weeds

Weeds can get out of hand quickly. Our team can handle any level of weed removal. We develop a unique plan for each lawn that can include pulling weeds by hand, planting weed-resistant grass seed, and sometimes treating weeds with the right weed killer. There won’t be a weed left when we’re done with your yard.

Spring & Fall Cleanup

Seasonal cleanup of your lawn can become a time-consuming task. Our spring and fall cleanup team will clear your yard of any unwanted leaves, sticks, or debris, getting it ready for the upcoming season. This will not only improve the curb appeal of your home. Spring and Fall yard cleanup will encourage healthier growth of your grass and garden.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today!

We understand that finding someone to trust with your lawn maintenance services can be challenging. We perform free consultations to help you make up your mind. One of our lawn maintenance specialists will come out to your home to explain what we can do and answer any of your questions. Once you see the amazing plans we have for your lawn, you just might want to get started right away. Contact us today for your free consultation!

Get Your Free Consultation Today!